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Hemorrhoidal Bleeding - 3 Effective Bleeding Hemorrhoids Treatment

Bleeding hemorrhoids can be dangerous if they are not hemorrhoidal bleeding  treated well. Severe bleeding can cause a decrease in the iron and hence anemia. Hemorrhoids are swollen , painful, swollen lining of the rectum and anus. There are many causes of hemorrhoids , which may include straining during defecation, prolonged sitting hemorrhoidal bleeding , too much caffeine and alcohol.

Hemorrhoids are classified into two types - internal hemorrhoidal bleeding and external hemorrhoids . Bleeding hemorrhoids is the most severe form of hemorrhoids . It is important to take note of the important things to know treating symptoms. However, regardless of the cause , different methods can hemorrhoidal bleeding be used to relieve hemorrhoids.

You can use witch hazel , aloe Vera juice and cider vinegar to the affected area . Put the mixture into a clean, hemorrhoidal bleeding soft cloth and apply hemorrhoids. They are excellent at stopping bleeding and prevent infection.

If you need to reduce swelling and inflammation , you can apply an ice pack for 15 minutes. Do not apply during the next 15 minutes. Let stand . Then reapply again hemorrhoidal bleeding after the time has elapsed. You can do this several times a day alternately.

In addition to ice packs, hemorrhoidal creams can be used to relieve swelling and inflammation as well . You must choose those that contain anesthetic hemorrhoidal bleeding ingredients to relieve itching , burning and pain. Nee oil is also excellent for maintaining smooth and elastic surface. It comes from a tree in India , which is good for various skin problems .

It is also important to clean the rectal area each deposit. You can use a moist toilet paper or baby wipes . This is very important to prevent infection and further damage.

When you sit , you must use a donut cushion to avoid pressure on hemorrhoids . The secret to treat bleeding hemorrhoids is to reduce the pressure in the area as much as possible.

1 comment:

  1. I have experienced with excessive discomfort from blood loss piles for 2 years. I have invested a lot of cash and tried everything. Nothing worked until a close friend informed me to try Hemorrhoid Fantastic Pills. At first, I was cautious to use it but I still give it a shot. I was surprise by the outcome. There are no itchiness and discomfort any longer whenever I apply.
