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2 Types of Hemorrhoids


The earliest known cure for hemorrhoids, according to recorded history, was practiced by Egyptians. This considered medical artifact was written in papyrus, dating back from 1700 BC. It advises to give the patient a recipe to create an ointment from cooked, ground Acacia leaves and place it in the anus. In the 11th century, the English has records showing proof that they have practiced a sort of surgical hemorrhoid removal.
Internal Hemorrhoids
There are 2 types of hemorrhoids, the internal hemorrhoid happens just right above the dentate line; this area in the ano-rectal region is covered with a thick multi layered tissue (columnar epithelium).
Internal Hemorrhoids are painless in nature;they are usually detected at an advanced state since Internal Hemorrhoids is difficult to notice alone. Early stages of internal hemorrhoids can cause itchiness in the anodermal area. If you could find someone who would willingly scratch the itchiness for you, marry that person. If there is an acclaimed "pain"for Internal Hemorrhoids, your condition could most likely have been mistaken for an anal fissure or an external hemorrhoid.
External Hemorrhoids: A Real Pain in the Rear
I'm not the nicest person to talk to when it comes to sensitive things like these. Instead of pretending, saying, "things are gonna be fine", I'd prefer of telling the sad truth, and, the truth really hurts. Let's face it,our enemy is right behind us, right down there, growing a nasty thrombosis. External Hemorrhoids are often mistaken to other ano-rectal problems; people think that they already have hemorrhoids if there is trouble defecating associated with pain and / or blood, it could be something else like colorectal cancer or colitis. It is really advisable that we seek medical advice first, before acting on our own.
Vernacular Cure
There is a number of do it at home remedies for hemorrhoids. Most of these are easily found via online content and videos. Bottom line is having a conscious diet on fiber rich foods and enough exercise. We should also avoid putting so much strain in the stomach especially when defecating and during constipation.
Which Topic?
Topical creams are the best next step for us to take, if in case home remedies fail to give us nimble results. These topical agents may include analgesics like lidocaine, or ephinephrine to control the pressure of blood, and protectants like zinc oxide or petroleum jelly to act as a barrier from possible infection.
Surgical Procedure
If all else fail, surgery would be our last resort. This is a double edged blade in which both sides do damage;damage to your body and to your pocket. Surgical procedures for Hemorrhoids are guaranteed safe and effective; some of these procedures were already being practiced by the English men since the 11th century.
1. Rubber band ligation -one of the considered office based procedures wherein, rubber bands are tied to an internal hemorrhoid, this will cut off its blood supply and will wither in a few days' time. The withered hemorrhoid then just falls off after 5 - 7 days.
2. Cauterization - there is a number of ways to burn hemorrhoids down. Electro cauterizationis often practiced, as well as infrared cauterization.
3. Sclerotheraphy - This involves injection of Phenol which causes the Hemorrhoid to shrink.
However, aside from these office procedures, further surgical techniques may apply to advanced Hemorrhoid cases.
1. Excisional hemorrhoidectomy- used as treatment to thrombosed external hemmorhoids
2. Doppler Guided - an ultrasound doppler is used to cutoff major arteries in the hemorrhoid, causing it to whither and fall, almost like the rubber band ligation
3. Stapled hemorrhoidectomy - Generally less painful than all the other procedures. Stapled hemorrhoidectomy is the removal of the hemorrhoid itself.
More cures are developed daily to help get rid of hemorrhoids; while the exact reason remains unknown, it would still be better if you start with prevention rather than cure. Watch your diet, eat lots of fiber and maintain a healthy body by daily exercise.
There are also topical ointments and simple in office operations which we recommend that would guarantee faster results. Talk to your doctor about it or contact us for additional clinical and home remedies for hemorrhoids.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christopher_Praizner

Do You Know What Causes Hemorrhoids?


There are several theories that explain what causes hemorrhoids to develop. One of them is the most popular reason explained by doctors. That is the inadequate consumption of fiber in people's normal nutrition. Daily fiber intake should always be included in the right quantities in a person's healthy diet. There are many other reasons as to what causes hemorrhoids such as sitting for long periods on the toilet and chronic straining due to constipation. Pregnancy is another common cause among women. This temporary condition cause an increase in lower abdominal pressure that ultimately results in hemorrhoids. Fortunately, the condition resolves itself shortly after child birth. Another cause is the formation of hemorrhoids secondary to a pelvic tumor. When this abnormal growth of a tumor happens, enlargement of the rectal veins is caused by an increase in pressure in this area. The result is that hemorrhoids develop, where they otherwise would not.
Another common theory states that the pulling force of stool, in particular hard stool, through the anal canal, has the effect of dragging downwards on hemorrhoidal cushions. Sometimes the aging process, coupled with an aggravating condition may cause this to happen. The reason as to why this happens is that the responsible supporting tissue for anchoring the veins to the muscles below them, tend to deteriorate. As time passes the hemorrhoidal tissues lose strength and slide down incrementally towards the anal canal.
The anal sphincter allows you to control your range of bowel movements. It is not clear if an elevated pressure is the direct cause of hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids are the main cause of elevated pressure in the anal area. Using excess force when defecating, might also cause hemorrhoids. Once you get hemorrhoids, you may wonder what causes hemorrhoids to enlarge? To answer this, you need to take into account, all the physiological factors that were previously mentioned. This is relevant in order to understand the disease.
A healthy lifestyle coupled with a balanced diet and annual health checks are the most recommended ways that one can use to prevent hemorrhoids. Regular exercise such as daily walking is also superior to a sedentary lifestyle for preventing hemorrhoids as well as a whole host of other problems such as cardiac problems and weight gain issues. Be sure to consume an adequate supply of daily fiber. If you have a difficult time doing so, you should consider a fiber supplement. Finally, do not forget to consume at least eight glasses of water per day. This will help to soften the stool and eliminate the passing of hard stool. It will also aid in reducing your straining, when it comes time to use the toilet.
Now that you know what causes hemorrhoids and some of the ways that you can incorporate into your life to prevent them, it is time to start putting some of these measures into your daily routine today, in order to have a better tomorrow!
Chris is a practicing pharmacist who writes on health care topics. You can see Chris's latest website on Treat Hemorrhoids and learn all about the signs, symptoms, treatment and related information such as Hemorrhoids Home Treatment and much more.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Borg

How To Treat Hemorrhoids


How To Treat Hemorrhoids - What Causes Them Anyway
If you have hemorrhoids, you certainly want to know how to treat them quickly.
Hemorrhoids are associated with chronic constipation, straining during bowel movements, and lengthy sitting on the toilet.
All of these interfere with blood flow to and from the area, causing it to pool and enlarge the vessels. This also explains why hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy, when the enlarging uterus presses on the veins.
How To Treat Hemorrhoids - Why Me?
Recent studies show that patients with hemorrhoids tend to have a higher resting anal canal tone. That simply means, the smooth muscle of the anal canal tends to be tighter than average, (even when not straining).
Constipation adds to these problems, because straining during a bowel movement increases pressure in the anal canal and pushes the hemorrhoids against the "sphincter muscle."
The connective tissues that support and hold hemorrhoids in place can weaken with age, causing hemorrhoids to bulge and prolapse ("to fall out of place.")
You need to understand though, that this is a problem that can be solved using certain natural remedies and does not require painful surgery to correct.
Unfortunately, the traditional medical community neglects to tell hemorrhoid sufferers that most methods of treating hemorrhoids, including surgery, are not actual cures.
They simply remove the symptoms, which in the case of hemorrhoids will not guarantee that you'll never get them again.
The good news is, there is a fast acting treatment for hemorrhoids that will get rid of your hemorrhoid symptoms AND treat the underlying cause. HemRid is how to treat hemorrhoids since it's all natural with no dangerous side effects and works in 2-5 days to bring relief and healing quickly.
Whatever you do - DON'T confuse HemRid® (the real natural cure product in capsules), with the downloadable eBook, "H-Miracle."
And it's NOT "H Miracle!" Sadly, this "system," because that's what it is, will give you some education, but what you need is an effective and natural treatment that will bring you fast relief from ALL the pain and itching you feel now.
"H-Miracle" is NOT how to treat hemorrhoids when you are in pain and itching! You need a real product, not and e-Book that you download to read on your computer.
How To Treat Hemorrhoids - Two Different Types
There are 2 types of hemorrhoids. The first is the "internal" type which occurs inside the "anal canal."
These tend to be more itchy than painful. They may bleed and pertrude, making it sometimes difficult to clean the area.
The second type is the "external" type. These usually don't require medical attention unless a clot develops. It's the "external" type that tends to be more painful.
The severity of hemorrhoids is described in "degrees."
First-degree is where the hemorrhoid does not pertrude from the anus, through Fourth-degree, where it pertrudes all of the time.
How To Treat Hemorrhoids - Should You Have Surgery
Surgery usually stops the problem for a while, cures hemorrhoid symptoms, however the success in the long-term for hemorrhoid surgery depends a great deal on how successful the patient is in changing their daily bowel habits.
Most hemorrhoid symptoms improve with simple, "at-home" measures.
How To Treat Hemorrhoids At Home
Get more fiber. Add more fiber to your diet from food, or a fiber supplement (Metamucil, Citrucel, or Fiber Con), or both.
Along with adequate fluid, fiber softens stools and makes them easier to pass, reducing pressure on hemorrhoids. High-fiber foods like broccoli, whole-grain foods, beans, wheat and oat bran, and fresh fruit are great for getting enough fiber.
Fiber supplements help decrease hemorrhoidal bleeding and inflammation. Some women find that increased fiber causes bloating or gas when initially taking more fiber.
Start slowly, and gradually increase your intake of fiber per day. Also, it's very important to increase your fluid intake. Drink plenty of water.
How To Treat Hemorrhoids - Move Your Body
Exercise is so important. Moderate aerobic exercise, like a brisk walk 20-30 minutes a day, can help stimulate bowel function.
When you feel the urge to defecate, go to the bathroom immediately. Don't wait until a more convenient time. Stool can back up, leading to increased pressure and straining.
Make time each day, such as after a meal, to sit on the toilet for a few minutes. This can help you establish a regular bowel habit.
How To Treat Hemorrhoids - Other Home Treatment
A sitz bath is a warm water bath for the buttocks and hips. It can relieve itching, irritation, and spasms of the sphincter muscle.
Pharmacies sell small plastic tubs that fit over a toilet seat, or you can sit in a regular bathtub with a few inches of warm water. Doctors recommend a 20-minute sitz bath after each bowel movement and two or three times a day in addition. Take care to gently pat the anal area dry afterward; don't rub or wipe them hard.
Topical relief. Over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams containing a local anesthetic can temporarily soothe pain.
Creams and suppositories containing hydrocortisone are somewhat effective too, but don't use them for more than a week at a time, because they can cause the skin to atrophy (the partial or complete wasting away).
Witch hazel wipes (like the brand called Tucks) are soothing and have no harmful effects.
A small ice pack placed on the anal area for a few minutes can also help reduce pain and swelling. Sit on a cushion rather than a hard surface. That helps reduce the swelling of existing hemorrhoids and prevents the formation of new ones.
When an external hemorrhoid forms a blood clot, the pain can be terrible. If the clot has been present for longer than two days, apply home treatments for the symptoms while waiting for it to go away on its own.
Steve is a Naturopath, researcher, author and health consultant. Discover other helpful information about herbs, vitamins, drug interactions, parasites and much more at: http://homeremedies1.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_A_Berchtold