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Do You Know What Causes Hemorrhoids?


There are several theories that explain what causes hemorrhoids to develop. One of them is the most popular reason explained by doctors. That is the inadequate consumption of fiber in people's normal nutrition. Daily fiber intake should always be included in the right quantities in a person's healthy diet. There are many other reasons as to what causes hemorrhoids such as sitting for long periods on the toilet and chronic straining due to constipation. Pregnancy is another common cause among women. This temporary condition cause an increase in lower abdominal pressure that ultimately results in hemorrhoids. Fortunately, the condition resolves itself shortly after child birth. Another cause is the formation of hemorrhoids secondary to a pelvic tumor. When this abnormal growth of a tumor happens, enlargement of the rectal veins is caused by an increase in pressure in this area. The result is that hemorrhoids develop, where they otherwise would not.
Another common theory states that the pulling force of stool, in particular hard stool, through the anal canal, has the effect of dragging downwards on hemorrhoidal cushions. Sometimes the aging process, coupled with an aggravating condition may cause this to happen. The reason as to why this happens is that the responsible supporting tissue for anchoring the veins to the muscles below them, tend to deteriorate. As time passes the hemorrhoidal tissues lose strength and slide down incrementally towards the anal canal.
The anal sphincter allows you to control your range of bowel movements. It is not clear if an elevated pressure is the direct cause of hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids are the main cause of elevated pressure in the anal area. Using excess force when defecating, might also cause hemorrhoids. Once you get hemorrhoids, you may wonder what causes hemorrhoids to enlarge? To answer this, you need to take into account, all the physiological factors that were previously mentioned. This is relevant in order to understand the disease.
A healthy lifestyle coupled with a balanced diet and annual health checks are the most recommended ways that one can use to prevent hemorrhoids. Regular exercise such as daily walking is also superior to a sedentary lifestyle for preventing hemorrhoids as well as a whole host of other problems such as cardiac problems and weight gain issues. Be sure to consume an adequate supply of daily fiber. If you have a difficult time doing so, you should consider a fiber supplement. Finally, do not forget to consume at least eight glasses of water per day. This will help to soften the stool and eliminate the passing of hard stool. It will also aid in reducing your straining, when it comes time to use the toilet.
Now that you know what causes hemorrhoids and some of the ways that you can incorporate into your life to prevent them, it is time to start putting some of these measures into your daily routine today, in order to have a better tomorrow!
Chris is a practicing pharmacist who writes on health care topics. You can see Chris's latest website on Treat Hemorrhoids and learn all about the signs, symptoms, treatment and related information such as Hemorrhoids Home Treatment and much more.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Borg

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